Walking your way to fitness?

3 min readMar 22, 2021


An average person sleeps for 8hours. Let’s say that he exercises for 30–60minutes daily. That leaves him with the rest of 15hours at least. So, should one stay inactive for 15hours of the day if they worked out for one hour? While a workout is good for you, it won’t make up for the prolonged sitting in the chair for the rest of the day. Studies say that too much sitting can increase the risk of death as compared to the people who sit less than 3 hours per day. Especially, if one has to lose a lot of weight, they have to incorporate enough activity into their lifestyle apart from the regular exercises.

What else can you include in your day to stay active?

You can undertake a moderately-intense exercise, i.e., brisk walking. A study done by the University of Ferrara shows that those heart patients who walk faster are hospitalized less. Put on a pedometer and walk as if you have to reach somewhere. Your legs should feel it. 100steps per minute is a good speed.

Some more tips you can find helpful:

● If you need to call someone, try walking while you’re at it.

● If you are waiting for someone, don’t sit in that chair, just keep moving.

● Walk your pet 2–3 times a day, if you have any. It is going to love you more.

● Use music to your advantage. It makes hard efforts feel easier.

● You can also use digital apps as motivators. For example, fitness apps to race against others. You can also set a metric to hit and do better every day.

● If you have a paucity of time, you can also try multitasking like listening to audio-books or podcasts while walking.

Ultimately, what is most important for a healthy life?

It’s a combination of diet, exercise, and a healthy attitude. If you reside in Jhansi and are looking for the best gym, don’t forget to visit Jhansi Gym (https://jhansi.grandslamgyms.com/). There you can perform workouts ranging from strength training to Zumba to Pilates under their well-trained staff in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

If you are sincere about working out but fail to take a nutritious diet, your efforts won’t be too fruitful. For Jhansi residents, Gym in Jhansi (https://jhansi.grandslamgyms.com/) provides you with diet counseling to achieve the fitness goals that might be eluding you due to lack of proper nourishment.

Take that first step today towards an important destination- better health.

Grand Slam’ gym Jhansi provides complete individualized, dynamic diet plans with meal plans which include healthy Indian food recipes. Superiority is chosen sport is often achieved as long as the fundamentals of Fitness and diet are within the proper place. All these gyms have specialized training programs for athletes of various disciplines and age groups. With highly customized fitness training to enrich your skill training one can hope to realize the pinnacles of sporting success.




Grand Slam Gyms is not like any other traditional gym which focuses only on strength training. For more details visit: jhansi.grandslamgyms.com